Renata LR44 Batteries

Item number: P741235


Compatible with Nucleus® Kanso™ Sound Processor.

Product information


Renata LR44 Batteries must be used to power your Kanso™ Sound Processor when using Aqua+ for Kanso, as standard batteries will not work in water.

- 2 Batteries are required to power your device
- Batteries last up to 2 hours

WARNING: Button/coin batteries are hazardous and may cause severe injury or death. Keep batteries out of reach of children whether the batteries are new or used. The batteries can cause serious injuries if swallowed or placed inside any part of the body. These injuries can occur whether the battery is new or used. Seek medical attention immediately if it is suspected a battery has been swallowed or placed inside any part of the body.

What's included

Renata LR44 Batteries (Pack of 2 cells)