A Message from Cochlear on Supporting Equality
11 June, 2020
Over the past weeks, attention has shifted from COVID-19 to the unnecessary death of George Floyd, along with the subsequent protests around the world that have spread in reaction to a sad example of injustice.
Our mission drives us to empower people to connect with others; however, this connection is only of value when there is mutual respect. The behaviours and values that are promoted throughout Cochlear require us to raise difficult and important issues. Race inequality is certainly a topic we must raise and talk about together.
Many people cannot imagine the reality some of our co-workers, customers and friends have experienced because of their race. But we need to try.
There is no place for hate, intolerance, divisiveness or racism at Cochlear.
As an organisation, we strive to support a community that champions equality, diversity and respect for the dignity and humanity of everyone. We are not perfect. We can do better. We don’t have all the ideas or all the answers. But we will listen. The responsibility for making our world a safer, more accepting and more inclusive place starts with each of us. We can make a difference. We have to.
Dig Howitt,
CEO & President, Cochlear
Descargo de responsabilidades
Pida consejo a su profesional de la salud acerca de los tratamientos de la hipoacusia. Los resultados pueden variar, y el profesional de la salud le indicará qué factores pueden alterar sus resultados. Siga siempre las instrucciones de uso. No todos los productos están disponibles en todos los países. Si desea obtener información sobre los productos, póngase en contacto con el representante local de Cochlear.
Para consultar la lista completa de marcas comerciales de Cochlear, visite nuestra página de Condiciones de uso.