
David K.

Cochlear™ Nucleus® 7 Sound processor & Hearing Aid - Bimodal | Usher’s Syndrome

A quick summary about David K.

  • I’m a visually challenged individual.
  • I no longer shy away from social engagements or meetings.
  • I enjoy sharing my experience with others, giving back and encouraging them.

Tell us a bit about yourself

I am bimodal with a Cochlear™ Nucleus® 7 Sound Processor on my left ear and a ReSound hearing aid on my right ear. I had the procedure in 2016 when I was 74 years old. I upgraded in 2021 from the Nucleus 6 Sound Processor. My hearing and quality of life have improved dramatically since I received my cochlear implant.

My son, an otolaryngologist who implants Cochlear Baha® Systems, noticed I was favoring my right ear and encouraged me to get a hearing test. Once it was determined that I was a candidate I received great support and encouragement from the Cochlear volunteer team which is why I volunteer now. This made a big difference in the beginning of my hearing journey.

My wife, Judy and I worked very hard to “train my brain” to hear using the cochlear implant. Having experienced this firsthand, the results were well worth the effort. I no longer shy away from social engagements, meetings or travel. I actively participate in conversations in restaurants or other gatherings. I enjoy listening to music, TV, radio and the wonderful sounds of nature. I don't regret getting a cochlear implant, especially since I'm visually challenged. I wish I had gotten the cochlear implant sooner because of the positive difference it has made in my life.

My advice to those considering a cochlear implant or those who have just received one, it takes time and effort to “train the brain” to interpret the sounds it receives from the cochlear implant. Judy and I can answer many of your non-medical questions and provide additional support to you and your loved ones as you are beginning or are on your hearing journey.

Descargo de responsabilidad

El programa Connect with a Mentor (Conectarse con un mentor) de Cochlear es monitoreado de lunes a viernes, excepto algunos feriados. La respuesta a las preguntas y consultas presentadas durante los fines de semana o feriados podría demorarse.

Consulte a un profesional de la salud sobre los tratamientos para pérdida de la audición. Los resultados pueden variar, y un profesional de la salud le explicará los factores que podrían afectar el resultado. Lea siempre las instrucciones de uso. No todos los productos están disponibles en todos los países. Comuníquese con su representante local de Cochlear para conocer la información del producto. 

Las opiniones expresadas representan el punto de vista de cada individuo. Consulte a su profesional de la salud para saber si reúne las condiciones para el uso de tecnología Cochlear.

Para consultar la lista completa de marcas comerciales de Cochlear, visite nuestra página de Condiciones de uso